Heterogeneity of the Experience of Motherhood in the Theory of Simone de Beauvoir and Contemporary Feminism





motherhood, heterogeneity, Simone de Beauvoir, non-essentialism, feminist philosophy, reproductive rights, motherhood studies


This article aims to analyze the concept of heterogeneity in the theory of Simone de Beauvoir, whose work has contributed to the development of feminist philosophy and ethics, as well as to the evolution of motherhood studies. I begin by demystifying the maternal instinct—along with the myth of the Mother—and by offering a complex critique of the institution of patriarchal motherhood, forced motherhood. Since Beauvoir's non-essentialist approach made it possible to articulate the embodied experience, ambivalence, and alienation in motherhood, the article attempts to reinterpret Beauvoir's writings in the context of the ethics of ambiguity and the "anthropological revolution," which became an expression of resistance, and of the struggle for reproductive rights and justice. The author also addresses the issues of voluntary childlessness, the exclusion of mothers, and the problem of the gender division of labor.


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Author Biography

Kinga Elert-Gadacz, Uniwerstet Warszawski

PhD Candidate at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw. Graduate of Philosophy at Jagiellonian University. Her research interests include feminist philosophy and ethics, gender studies and anti-discriminatory politics. 


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How to Cite

Elert-Gadacz, Kinga. 2023. “Heterogeneity of the Experience of Motherhood in the Theory of Simone De Beauvoir and Contemporary Feminism”. Etyka, February. Warsaw, Poland. https://doi.org/10.14394/etyka.1329.


