Humanity: Respecting What is Real
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Image of God, Dominion, Affection, Reality, NousAbstrakt
The notion that “human beings”, mainstream humanity, is best conceived as “in the image and likeness of God” has an effect even on secular philosophers, scientists and farmers, despite our understanding that mainstream humanity is only one twig within a larger evolutionary bush. Even if it is taken seriously, it does not license most of our current exploitation. Nor does a merely “contractual” theory of rights and duties support our denial of proper consideration to non-human creatures. Affection rather than self-interest is a better basis for an ethical life. But even empathetic affection is not the whole story: the better way is to respect and admire what is real – and the realization of reality is what classical Platonic philosophers meant by Nous, rather than simply the capacity to reason our way to conclusions. If mainstream humanity has any ground to claim an exceptional status it lies in the possibility of respecting what is real – including all non-human creatures. How that realization must affect our lives here now is an ongoing project.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2020 Stephen Clark

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