Teoria wartości Alexiusa Meinonga
https://doi.org/10.14394/etyka.273Słowa kluczowe:
Alexius Meinong, George Edward Moore, Bertrand Russell, fenomenologia, Nicolai Hartmann, Max SchelerAbstrakt
The article discusses Meinong’s theory of values in its later version as laid down in his studies Über emotionale Präsentation and Zur Grundlegung der allgemeinen Werttheorie. His early psychological works are omitted. The principal purpose aim of the article is to show that Meinong’s axiology was essentially antipsychological in its character. For the philosophical foundation of his theory of values Meinong took the theory of object which furnishes a general solution of the question of relations between emotional experience, its content and its object. The intentional interpretation of feelings as emotional experiences relating to objects suggested to Meinong a new approach to values – to treat them as correlates of those experiences.
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