Tyrania - matka polityki
https://doi.org/10.14394/etyka.413Słowa kluczowe:
Sokrates, Arystoteles, oligarchia, polis, filozofia politycznaAbstrakt
Tyranny is a phenomenon following in the footsteps of politics and contemporary political thought. The aim of this article is an attempt to bring out and – on the basis of Plato’s texts – show the fundamental relationship between tyranny and politeia, which should make a philosopher interested in the foundation of tyranny. The relationship, or better – dependence – is based on the conception that, in my opinion, is fundamental for Platonic philosophy which combines ontological and political investigations that one could call ‘opposition’s transformations’ whose extreme points are the philosopher and the tyrant. They represent two different attitudes towards politics. The article is accompanied by the belief that one cannot practice classical political philosophy, that is a quest for a perfect political system, without incessant dwelling on tyranny. For tyranny is an area where politics comes into being.
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