Wartości i klasy społeczne
https://doi.org/10.14394/etyka.603Słowa kluczowe:
materializm dialektyczny, Karol Marks, ontologia, dialektyka, społeczeństwo, aksjologiaAbstrakt
Marxist axiology presupposes the theory of historical materialism: this article is concerned with an adaptive interpretation of the latter. Its concern is reflected in the proposed definition of value: value is the family of classes of states of affairs identified by the relation of preference of an ideal social subject (who represents a certain social category). The article presents the hierarchy of social categories based on the adaptive interpretation of historical materialism: primary classes, secondary classes (comprising, so called, class fractions) strata, etc. In the course of argumentation the aforementioned definition of value becomes more and more realistic and permits ever more precise determination of values accepted in a society.
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