Początki moralności?
https://doi.org/10.14394/etyka.641Słowa kluczowe:
socjobiologia, etologia, altruizm odwzajemniony, samolubny gen, genotyp, dobór naturalny, ewolucjaAbstrakt
Biology tries to answer the central theoretical question of ethics, namely the question of the origins of the moral behaviour. Biologists formulated three different conceptions: classical etiology, sociobiology and cognitive etiology which tried to answer the problem. Classical etiology has been falsified by the progress made in biology in recent years. Sociobiology denies the altruistic behaviour among the animals and thus excludes the possibility of biological explanation of the origins of ethics. Cognitive etiology, on the contrary, points out some phenomena which can serve as the testimony of the presence of the beginnings of the moral behaviour among the animals.
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