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Not Quite a Failed State: On Marcin Piątkowski’s Europe’s Growth Champion




egalitarianism, transformation, Polish People's Republic, institutional economics


The article presents a review of the Polish edition of Marcin Piątkowski’s book, Europe's Growth Champion: Insights from the Economic Rise of Poland, published in 2019. The economic analysis conducted in the book follows in the footsteps of the Prześniona rewolucja by Andrzej Leder and the Fantomowe ciało króla by Jan Sowa, which both have provided important insights into Polish contemporary self-consciousness. Piątkowski convincingly claims that a factor crucial for the success of economic transformation after 1989 was – paradoxically – the heritage of socialism. Without the egalitarian society created in times of socialism, Poland would have followed Ukraine or Russia in their oligarchic drift. Other parts of the book noteworthy for philosophers include methodological reflections.


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Author Biography

Michał Pawłowski, European University Institute

Graduate of philosophy and economics at the University of Warsaw, finalist of the Barbara Skarga Essay Competition. PhD student at the Department of Economics at the European University Institute in Florence.


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How to Cite

Pawłowski, Michał. 2023. “Not Quite a Failed State: On Marcin Piątkowski’s Europe’s Growth Champion”. Etyka, July. Warsaw, Poland.



Book Reviews