Toward a Moderate Hierarchical View About the Moral Status of Animals




animal ethics, moral standing


In this essay, I develop a moderate hierarchical position about the moral status of animals that is based on two factors:  on the level of mental development of a being who is affected and on the significance of the interests that are affected. I argue that this view accommodates two different sets of moral intuitions. On one hand, it explains why, in general, humans have the special moral standing that is typically attributed to us. On the other hand, it also allows us to accommodate much of our intuition about how animals ought to be treated. In addition, this view is supported also by plausible general theoretical considerations. Subsequently, I explore some implications of this view for some real-life examples of our interactions with animals, especially, for the practice of raising them for food using industrial methods. I argue that this practice is morally wrong and that the correct approach is to adopt a (nearly) plant-based lifestyle.


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Author Biography

Stefan Sencerz, Texas A&M University

Professor in the Philosophy department at Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi


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How to Cite

Sencerz, Stefan. 2023. “Toward a Moderate Hierarchical View About the Moral Status of Animals”. Etyka, May. Warsaw, Poland.


