The Teaching of the Catholic Church and the Polish Bioethical Debate




The moral doctrine of the Catholic Church, concerning bioethical issues, is one of the positions present in the Polish bioethical debate. This seems understandable considering the declared affiliation of the most Poles to the Catholic Church. Catholic moralists take the position that the doctrine represented by them has not a purely religious character. In their analyses, they refer to the category of natural law, deriving from it the obligation to respect the life of every human being from the moment of conception until its natural death. This is the reason why they reject abortion, euthanasia, and the destruction human embryos. Apart from the aforementioned controversial points there are also bioethical issues in which the Church’s position does not evoke controversies in the social debate, e. g. transplantology.


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How to Cite

Chyrowicz, Barbara. 2022. “The Teaching of the Catholic Church and the Polish Bioethical Debate”. Etyka 60 (1). Warsaw, Poland:69-90.


