Topicality of John Stuart Mill’s Views on Violence against Women




empowerment, violence against women, John Stuart Mill, perfectionism, liberal feminism


In the paper, I show that John Stuart Mill in his work noticed the significance of the social problem posed by violence against women. To achieve that goal, I (1) sketch the theoretical background of his philosophy as a reference point for the issue of violence against women; (2) propose reading The Subjection of Women in a way that is to facilitate noticing the most important issues of violence and showing their topicality in today’s world; and (3) provide several most significant examples of problems of violence against women that should be given some further reckoning. Thus, I prove that Mill’s views on violence against women are up to date, and remain an important point of reference, making him still worth reading, even 150 years after his death.


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Author Biography

Elżbieta Filipow, University of Warsaw

Researcher at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw working on the project entitled ‘The Place of Equality in John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism’ financed by the National Science Center. Scholarship awardee of The De Brzezie Lanckoronski Foundation.


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2023-05-31 — Updated on 2023-07-26


How to Cite

Filipow, Elżbieta. (2023) 2023. “Topicality of John Stuart Mill’s Views on Violence Against Women”. Etyka, July. Warsaw, Poland.




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