Uwagi na temat ewangelizacji
https://doi.org/10.14394/etyka.371Słowa kluczowe:
ewangelizacja, wiara, chrześcijaństwo, chrzest, luteranizm, katolicyzm, zbawienieAbstrakt
The author affirms the need for new evangelization. He claims however that it should focus on internal spiritual dimensions rather than simply on increasing the number of people brought up into evangelization. To evangelize others means to preach either inside a given church or outside it. The former turns out to make people live through the religion, they have been brought up, in the later should consist in preaching the gospel and some general ideas inherent to Christianity. Those who do not belong to any church should have a free choice as for their religious commitments. The goal of evangelization in this sense is to overcome a fear of death, to help others to acquire deeper understanding of the Bible and to reach them how to be an active and self-effacing Christian.
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