Trying others by Michel de Montaigne




Michel de Montaingne, other, stranger, infidel, savage, woman, animal, modernity


The article reconsiders a historical example of thinking about otherness. The example is the
Essays by Michel de Montaigne, a piece of work from the early modern times which undermines
the interpretation of the contemporary times as a modern age, i.e. supposedly more open, less
dogmatic, and less hostile towards strangers. Four figures of otherness are taken into account:
an infidel, a “savage,” a woman, and an animal, proving Montaigne’s particular openness. It turns
out that the Essays induce a contemporary man to revise his sense of historical superiority in
regard to men from the previous centuries; they also let him develop a more just relationship
with others of the present times.


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Author Biography

Jakub Dadlez, Uniwersytet Warszawski

PhD student in the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw. Interested
in modern philosophy, including M. de Montaigne. Published several articles in journals and


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How to Cite

Dadlez, Jakub. 2019. “Trying Others by Michel De Montaigne”. Etyka 58 (1). Warsaw, Poland:219-42.




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