Hume and the radical prioritarianism




Hume, prioritarism, disability, compassion


The article is an attempt to address the question of the role that people who are worse off should
take in the society. The author uses Hume’s ethical theory and the contemporary idea of “a priority
view” to create a new concept of the politics of compassion. The purpose of this concept is the
complete reversal of the roles, taking into consideration mutual benefits: people who are worse
off become distributors of goods, whereas the rest of society develops into their dependants.


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Author Biography

Karol Gromek, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

MA in Polish philology and philosophy. He is interested in theories of poststructuralism
and postmodern philosophy. He published in „Tekstualia”, „Fragile” and „Teksty Drugie”.


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How to Cite

Gromek, Karol. 2019. “Hume and the Radical Prioritarianism”. Etyka 58 (1). Warsaw, Poland:243-53.


