Metaetyka systemów społecznych. Teorioetyczne aspekty koncepcji N. Luhmanna
history of ethics, metaethics, systems theory, N. LuhmannAbstract
One of the concepts of historical development of ethics states that "moral theories cannot intelligibly be assessed except by their success or failure in dealing with these historically-conditioned problems". (T. Irwin). The aim of this article is to try to answer the question whether Luhmann's systems theory can be used to explain the historical variability of ethical theories and fulfill the role of a kind of metaethics. This requires examining whether the theory can explain the function of morality, its social, cultural and historical variability and the role of ethical theories. Luhmann's theory passes this test in a way that is at least satisfactory, although at the cost of rejecting many assumptions made in traditional ethics.
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