Dojrzałość empatii wpływa na jakość solidarności
empatia, solidarność, współpraca, jakość, pandemia, koronawirus / empathy, solidarity, quality, cooperation, pandemic, coronavirusAbstract
The maturity of empathy influences the quality of solidarity, because it determines the standards of communication and cooperation. Both emotions and empathy have a well-established position in moral reflection; the interdisciplinary approach to comparing empathy and solidarity can fully revealed their dependency. Disputes around the role and importance of empathy that can be easily resolved with philosophical reflection. A chance to understand how solidarity is perceived and / or experienced is given by the method of sociology of morality by Maria Ossowska. The coronavirus pandemic, which has become an accelerator of social activities and processes, is an interesting research field, because it reveals, as in the lens, competence, but also the weaknesses of solidarity attitudes.
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