Other, a refugee – contemporary forms of strangeness





the other, exclusion, stigmatisation, refugee


The present paper attempts to reveal who constitutes the group of excluded people in the contemporary
world. Since within the Western culture one can witness a significant increase of hostility
towards outlanders, i.e. refugees, in this paper I attempt to shed some light on the problem of
otherness and thereby disclose the reasons for treating refugees as unwanted and malevolent others. Through invoking the ideas of scholars such as Will Kymlicka, Aleksander Betts, Amin
Maalouf, and Benjamin Barber, I reveal how the language of prejudice and a certain myth of
otherness contribute to our way of thinking and our attitude towards exclusion. The reality of
the contemporary world demands from us to understand the other, to build dialogue and create


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Author Biography

Joanna Hańderek, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

PhD, prof. at the Jagiellonian University, interested in philosophy of culture
and philosophy of modern times. Organizes meetings “Culture of Exclusion?”, writes a philosophical


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How to Cite

Hańderek, Joanna. 2019. “Other, a Refugee – Contemporary Forms of Strangeness”. Etyka 58 (1). Warsaw, Poland:125-41. https://doi.org/10.14394/etyka.1261.


