Otherness and Strangeness. Philosophical Analysis of the Figure of the Refugee
refugees, mechanisms, otherness, strangeness, exclusionAbstract
The aim of this article is a philosophical analysis of the figure of the refugee who is located in countries of the Western Europe. The goal is also a description of mechanisms which stabilise and sustain exclusion of comers. In the foreground, there are two categories: otherness and strangeness and a tension between them. The otherness is shown as the necessary ontological category for the construction of the subjectivity. In case of the figure of refugee, the status of the other can be deconstituted and then the foreigner, who is situated outside its community, becomes the stranger and loses a possibility of creating itself. It is also relevant to count space in which refugees are situated, i.e. camp or centres for refugees.
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- 2025-02-24 (2)
- 2020-06-15 (1)
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