Konflikt, dialog i dobrodziejstwa rozumu
https://doi.org/10.14394/etyka.388Słowa kluczowe:
Sokrates, filozofia, moralność, kult rozumu, racjonalizm światopoglądowy, religiaAbstrakt
The article is based on the assertion that conflict constitutes an important element of social reality both in its moral and political aspect. The conflicts of: Antigone and Creon, Socrates and Athens, Christ and the Pharisees, Gandhi and the British, M.L. King and the racists, have clearly contributed to moral development. Conflicts arise from the human need of using one’s freedom in questioning the existing order, in distrusting every truth. It is not the fact of the existence of conflicts that is bad for a civil society, but the lack of skills to solve them. Hence the importance of the need for a dialogue in civil society. The author presents various kinds of dialogue and supports rationality as a moral stand.
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